
Her birth date was March 29 1985 in Roswell New Mexico. Gerina Michelle Mendoza has been her given name. Gerina Stevenson has Mexican parents Rita Stevenson (mother) and Alan Stevenson (father). The mother of two is a Mexican by blood however she has an American nationality. Since she was a child she's always been interested in participating in sport. Gerina first started golfing at fifteen years old. Gerina graduated from high school at Goddard High School. While she was in high school, she took home the New Mexico state golf tournament. She also played volleyball at the national level. In the year 2003 she began her studies at the University of Texas. She took home all the tournaments she played in during her senior year. In her undergraduate years she was awarded the title that included Conference USA Female Athlete and Conference USA Individual Player of the year.

Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller


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